When I told friends and family that we were packing up and moving back to England to live, no one batted an eyelid. That's not to say that they didn't care, I know we are missed terribly, but overall it didn't feel like it came as a shock to many of them. I think sometimes I desensitized the people around me as they've grow accustomed to my very own brand of out loud thinking. I know I have a problem turning my internal filter on; meaning sometimes my words can run away with me. I know I am a dreamer, I want to try everything, see everything and learn everything there is to offer. I like thinking about the endless paths I could take and where they will lead me. With these qualities, it can be hard to make people take me completely seriously. I stage these elaborate plans in my head, invest my time and energy in them. But when it comes to explaining them to other people (more grounded people) it can be hard to express how passionate I am about my latest plan. It can be especially hard if you are like me and these new exciting plans happen to pop into your head on a pretty regular basis. You can end up feeling like you are being treated like a child who can't decide what they want to do for a job.
"I know I wanted to be a Vet, but now Acting is my chosen career path.....Yes Mum, I know I wanted to be an Author last week but now I'm an Actress, I am afraid I can't hear you over the sound of the big screen calling Mum! I'll ring you from Hollywood!"
Even as a child I was always choosing the options
others didn't understand - I still stand by my choice
the window was quicker. |
Okay, so that example is very close to the truth in my case I did and still do change my mind far too often for other people's comfort. I'm sure if you are like me then you know there are so many potential paths to take, so many things to learn, it can be hard to commit to one and see it through. But this doesn't mean that those dreams are any less valid, and it doesn't mean that you won't at some point see them through. So when it comes to convincing those around you that your latest venture is important it can become frustrating. I feel your pain, I really do.
I will be the first to I admit that sometimes my ideas are fads, pipe dreams or at best wishful thinking, but I will let you in on a secret of mine. The one thing that keeps me pushing forward ignoring the eye rolls and sighs from non-believers is this. It's the feeling of absolute satisfaction when I make my plan reality. It's having one million crazy, out there ideas filtering through, finding one that feels fun and right and then running with it. Following it through. I wanted to move to the exact other side of the globe. So I did. It was scary and n fact it's still scary now, but I am here. I wanted to travel Europe every month - I have now just come back from Rome and next month will be in Berlin with 4 other countries planned before February next year. I wanted to write a travel blog. I wanted to create a youtube channel, a website and Instagram account. All these things I have ticked off. I have so much more to do - so much more I want to offer.
As long as I continue to do the things
that make me happy I don't see myself
having any regrets. |
To some people, the dreams that I have are ridiculous, impractical, a million to one, but luckily for me I like it that way. I am going to continue on my journey where ever it may take me. I am going to travel more, write more and eventually I hope to create something I can give back to you all. Something that will help others achieve their dreams. A lot is up in the air right now, and I guess there's nothing left to do but watch where it falls and see the paths that are available to me.
Until then I wish you all the best in your dreams. However scary, or unattainable they may feel at the time I promise you that in my personal experience the outcome usually far outweighs the risk. Simply put I wish you good luck whatever you choose.
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