Rome made me cry, I am not ashamed to admit it. Within 5 minutes of reaching the City, stuffed into a Taxi, aircon blasting my face; I cried. I was overwhelmed, excited and really, really tired. It could have been any or all of these things that brought me to tears. They were tears of happiness I am pleased to confirm. Strangely enough it was a rooftop that started it, a huge domed tower, green and gold catching in the sun. It was like watching a movie; so unreal. I felt like any moment the microwave would ping or my phone would go off and I would have tear my eyes away from the sights and sounds only to realize I am sitting in my living room watching it all on a TV screen.
What is it about great cities that make us so emotional? Could it be that we have been so exposed to them through such media as Film, TV and various online platforms, that we feel a sense of familiarity. A sort of excitement comes from being shown places we haven't been yet; maybe when we finally get to see them up close we feel we should already know them. I think it's like seeing a long lost friend you have fallen out of touch with. You see something of the person you used to know you remember how they 'should' be in your head. Their looks and their mannerisms; all these things are familiar to you. Nostalgia starts to take over, but before it does you start to notice differences, things you never saw before or things that are brand new in them. There are still things to learn but you have a basic sense of who they are. I felt this exact feeling in Rome, it was everything that had been described to me. It was beautiful historical, artistically fascinating and alive with colourful characters.

The things that are in the brochures are also beautiful. But keep in mind they are also the things that everybody else has been told about. Even though the Colosseum was one of my favorite parts of this visit, some of my most enjoyable moments were ducking into places lesser known. We missed out the Vatican and headed instead into Basilica Santa Maria degli Angeli (Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels). This beautiful church with its marble arched ceilings and painted walls took my breath away. Just the sheer magnitude of the work required to bring all of this beauty together made me feel both humble and small. I think that is somewhat the point of buildings like that but even though I recognized this, it achieved its desired effect. Plan some time into your schedule to visit places that are not as popular or overcrowded, and sometimes you find yourself pleasantly surprised.
Rome is a city dedicated to keeping its rich history preserved. While the Trevi Fountain was under heavy construction at the time of our visit, the parts that we could see had been restored to full glory. With this in mind I fully intend to go back and visit the parts we didn't get to see. I would also like to go back to do more watching, more sitting back and letting Rome rush all around me. Truthfully I also expect to cry again. Even more truthful I almost hope I do cry again, I hope I am overwhelmed and excited and very tired, for what else is there for a traveller to be. I will catch up with my friend Rome again, and I will learn all new things about her, but I know that she will keep all the things I have already grown to love. Until next time Friend.
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