Thursday 16 July 2015

Why should we tone down our dreams to meet the comfort of others?

When I told friends and family that we were packing up and moving back to England to live, no one batted an eyelid. That's not to say that they didn't care, I know we are missed terribly, but overall it didn't feel like it came as a shock to many of them. I think sometimes I desensitized the people around me as they've grow accustomed to my very own brand of out loud thinking. I know I have a problem turning my internal filter on; meaning sometimes my words can run away with me. I know I am a dreamer, I want to try everything, see everything and learn everything there is to offer. I like thinking about the endless paths I could take and where they will lead me. With these qualities, it can be hard to make people take me completely seriously. I stage these elaborate plans in my head, invest my time and energy in them. But when it comes to explaining them to other people (more grounded people) it can be hard to express how passionate I am about my latest plan. It can be especially hard if you are like me and these new exciting plans happen to pop into your head on a pretty regular basis. You can end up feeling like you are being treated like a child who can't decide what they want to do for a job.

"I know I wanted to be a Vet, but now Acting is my chosen career path.....Yes Mum, I know I wanted to be an Author last week  but now I'm an Actress, I am afraid I can't hear you over the sound of the big screen calling Mum! I'll ring you from Hollywood!"

Even as a child I was always choosing the options
others didn't understand - I still stand by my choice
the window was quicker.
Okay, so that example is very close to the truth in my case I did and still do change my mind far too often for other people's comfort. I'm sure if you are like me then you know there are so many potential paths to take, so many things to learn, it can be hard to commit to one and see it through. But this doesn't mean that those dreams are any less valid, and it doesn't mean that you won't at some point see them through. So when it comes to convincing those around you that your latest venture is important it can become frustrating. I feel your pain, I really do.

I will be the first to I admit that sometimes my ideas are fads, pipe dreams or at best wishful thinking, but I will let you in on a secret of mine.  The one thing that keeps me pushing forward ignoring the eye rolls and sighs from non-believers is this. It's the feeling of absolute satisfaction when I make my plan reality. It's having one million crazy, out there ideas filtering through, finding one that feels fun and right and then running with it. Following it through. I wanted to move to the exact other side of the globe. So I did. It was scary and n fact it's still scary now, but I am here. I wanted to travel Europe every month - I have now just come back from Rome and next month will be in Berlin with 4 other countries planned before February next year. I wanted to write a travel blog. I wanted to create a youtube channel, a website and Instagram account. All these things I have ticked off. I have so much more to do - so much more I want to offer.

As long as I continue to do the things
that make me happy I don't see myself
having any regrets.
To some people, the dreams that I have are ridiculous, impractical, a million to one, but luckily for me  I like it that way. I am going to continue on my journey where ever it may take me. I am going to travel more, write more and eventually I hope to create something I can give back to you all. Something that will help others achieve their dreams. A lot is up in the air right now, and I guess there's nothing left to do but watch where it falls and see the paths that are available to me.

Until then I wish you all the best in your dreams. However scary, or unattainable they may feel at the time I promise you that in my personal experience the outcome usually far outweighs the risk. Simply put I wish you good luck whatever you choose.

To keep up with all the adventures remember to check out:
Instagram @adverntures_ss

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Youtube : SS-Adventures
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Tuesday 16 June 2015

European Adventure - Rome

Rome made me cry, I am not ashamed to admit it. Within 5 minutes of reaching the City, stuffed into a Taxi, aircon blasting my face; I cried. I was overwhelmed, excited and really, really tired. It could have been any or all of these things that brought me to tears. They were tears of happiness I am pleased to confirm. Strangely enough it was a rooftop that started it, a huge domed tower, green and gold catching in the sun. It was like watching a movie; so unreal. I felt like any moment the microwave would ping or my phone would go off and I would have tear my eyes away from the sights and sounds only to realize I am sitting in my living room watching it all on a TV screen. 

What is it about great cities that make us so emotional? Could it be that we have been so exposed to them through such media as Film, TV and various online platforms, that we feel a sense of familiarity. A sort of excitement comes from being shown places we haven't been yet; maybe when we finally get to see them up close we feel we should already know them. I think it's like seeing a long lost friend  you have fallen out of touch with. You see something of the person you used to know you remember how they 'should' be in your head. Their looks and their mannerisms; all these things are familiar to you. Nostalgia starts to take over, but before it does you start to notice differences, things you never saw before or things that are brand new in them. There are still things to learn but you have a basic sense of who they are. I felt this exact feeling in Rome, it was everything that had been described to me. It was beautiful historical, artistically fascinating and alive with colourful characters. 

The people of Rome are fantastic, if you are walking through the streets make sure to take cheeky glances through the doorways and windows as you walk on by. You may only catch a brief glimpse but I feel that sometimes it is better that way. I caught sight of a stunningly beautiful Italian woman arms raised to the sky in gesture of exasperation shouting at her husband in a Cafe. A young boy stealthily crept up on his mother, jumped out and scared her only to get chased around the Piazza by his mother now wielding a fan and beating him with it, everyone involved ended up laughing loudly. We passed a couple in their late 60's, attached at the lips, on the Bridge of the Angels. A man selling water approached them, and to his credit he did try to make a sale but they didn't even come up for air. These are not the things that your travel agent will tell you and they are not in the brochure, but they are a part of the flavour and colour of Rome. 

The things that are in the brochures are also beautiful. But keep in mind they are also the things that everybody else has been told about. Even though the Colosseum was one of my favorite parts of this visit, some of my most enjoyable moments were ducking into places lesser known. We missed out the Vatican and headed instead into Basilica Santa Maria degli Angeli (Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels). This beautiful church with its marble arched ceilings and painted walls took my breath away. Just the sheer magnitude of the work required to bring all of this beauty together made me feel both humble and small. I think that is somewhat the point of buildings like that but even though I recognized this, it achieved its desired effect. Plan some time into your schedule to visit places that are not as popular or overcrowded, and sometimes you find yourself pleasantly surprised.

Rome is a city dedicated to keeping its rich history preserved. While the Trevi Fountain was under heavy construction at the time of our visit, the parts that we could see had been restored to full glory. With this in mind I fully intend to go back and visit the parts we didn't get to see. I would also like to go back to do more watching, more sitting back and letting Rome rush all around me. Truthfully I also expect to cry again. Even more truthful I almost hope I do cry again, I hope I am overwhelmed and excited and very tired, for what else is there for a traveller to be. I will catch up with my friend Rome again, and I will learn all new things about her, but I know that she will keep all the things I have already grown to love. Until next time Friend.

Instagram @adverntures_ss

To keep up with all the adventures remember to check out:

Instagram : @adventures_ss
Youtube : SS-Adventures
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Friday 27 March 2015

Learning through travel

I am of the opinion that everyone should travel, you don’t have to upheave your entire life like I have recently done, but at the very least I feel you should leave your own country. The things that can be learned from other cultures and their ways of living can only change you for the better, expose yourself to new experiences and most of all keep an open mind.

We never stop learning, it has been proven that even if as we grow older our minds slow, they never fully stop taking in new information. Education is great, academia expands the mind and learning new skills and information will in my opinion make you an all-round better person. Education graces us with the opportunity to make our own choices. It allows us the freedom to make our own decisions based on the information that we have. I have found that any decisions I have made have never come out worse because I had more information.

With all those positives it’s quite hard for me to see why anyone wouldn’t want to learn new things, and what better way to learn than by doing. Travel allows us to learn from multiple sources and by immersing ourselves in a lifestyle that may be very different to our own. I have nothing against people who do not leave their own country, there are many factors that may stop a person from leaving, but I do feel a great sadness for those who by their own choosing have decided to never see how the rest of the world lives.

There are so many different cultures and ways of living, so many unique and interesting perspectives in the world that to never see or experience any other than your own seems like such a waste to me. Not every culture I have seen has been pleasant for me, some beliefs are scary and strange and I find some ways of living to be ugly and harmful to many people, BUT I believe I have learnt something new from every single one that I have witnessed so far. I have taken something away with me that I didn’t have before and I have a better understanding of the world as I have learnt something more about it.

Taking those lessons learnt from multiple cultures and almost making a pick and mix mash-up of some of my favourite ways of living has improved my life in so many ways. I think that we can all learn from each other and to believe that only your way of living or your way of life is the best or the only way to do things; is small minded. There are many ways to get to the same result, it’s about finding the life that you want to lead and living it. I personally recommend travel and experience as the greatest way to expand your horizons. 

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Let the Adventures Begin.

I thought that today I would write a little about SS-Adventures and some of my hopes for the future of this venture. SS-Adventures is a multi-media project though which I hope to express both myself and my adventures at this very exciting time in my life.

The first part of SS-A (SS-Adventures), is to offer some insight on the processes and planning involved in moving country. I have been saving for just over a year and a half now to move back home to England. At the time of writing I still live in Wellington, New Zealand. I moved here 8 years ago and have enjoyed exploring what New Zealand has to offer. I want to record my move to England and the trials and tribulations that come with upheaving your entire life and shifting countries. I figure that I am not the first person to attempt this venture, and will of course not be the last, but maybe with a pinch of luck I might just be able to offer some wisdom and advice to those next to do so.

I created SS-A is purely as creative outlet for me to showcase the many places I am traveling to and exploring. I love to writing, taking photos and recently have tried my hand at filmmaking, I enjoy working in multiple medias to bring my ideas to life. Trying new things is a passion of mine and I am hoping that as this project continues I can perfect each of the elements involved, and really produce something amazing for you all.

Last but not least, I hope that in publicising my experiences I can reflect and broaden my own horizons. I also hope that through publication some of my readers might be inspired to do the same. I will be exploring many places and I hope to take something away from each new exploit. I firmly believe that life is made in memories and not possessions, it is made by the people you meet and the lessons you learn.

So, there are my reasons for starting this project, I hope that somewhere along the way I can share and gain some wisdom, show some of the beauty of the world, while facing life with an open mind.

"The world is a book, and those who don't travel only read one page.”― Augustine of Hippo.